Father Paul of Graymoor

 Assembly 2446

About Us

Sir Knights

Religiously Devoted, Patriotically Proud

For most men who follow Jesus, there comes a time when duty extends beyond our own lives, beyond how we lead our families, and into how we serve our fellow man. That's what the Knights of Columbus is all about. The Patriotic Degree allows K of C members to take this one step further. "Sir Knight" is more than a title — it’s an honor. An honor guard of Fourth Degree Knights from Michigan Fourth Degree District #2 looks on as (from left) Vice Supreme Master George A. Dann, Supreme Director Thomas M. Wegener and Joseph Salvia place a wreath at the fallen soldier memorial at Patriarche Park in East Lansing. Following the district's Fourth Degree exemplification, 216 new Fourth Degree Knights joined other K of C members, an Armed Forces color guard and a bagpipe band for a procession and memorial service at the nearby park.

Join the Patriotic Degree

If you are over 18 years of age; a citizen of the country in which you reside; a practical Catholic in union with the Holy See; and you are a Third Degree member in good standing, it’s time to consider joining the ranks of the Fourth Degree. To learn more about the Patriotic Degree and how to join its ranks, contact your local Council, the Vice Supreme Master in your area, or the Supreme council today.

Vision & Goals

Color Corp

When knighthood was in flower, knights carried the sword to defend their God, their Church, their country and their fellow man according to the code of chivalry. Today, Sir Knights wear regalia and carry the sword to honor Christ and His apostles, especially on religious and civic occasions specified in this manual. Hence, the primary purpose of the Fourth Degree is to encourage active Catholic citizenship and foster the spirit of patriotism in members and the community at large. Learn More.

Order your regalia